「關稅傷害了所有人。 每個人都會為貿易戰付出代價。Tariffs hurt everyone. Everyone will pay the price for a trade war.」-楊少聰(Ben Yeung)

巴雷特·賓利(Barrett Bingley)是一位經驗豐富的國際級高級管理人員,專注於業務的增長與成功。 楊少聰是富士康實業控股有限公司的執行董事。

在本集中,楊少聰和巴雷特將討論全球貿易戰的現狀。 了解它如何影響全球經濟,包括美國、中國、歐洲和東南亞國家。 學習作為營運商如何應對貿易戰。

Barrett Bingley is an experienced international executive with a focus on growth and commercial success. Ben Yeung is the executive director at Fujikon Industrial Holdings Ltd.

During this episode, Ben and Barrett will discuss the current situation of the global trade war. Find out how it affects the global economy, including the USA, China, Europe and SE Asian countries. Learn ways to cope with the trade war as an operator.

LinkedIn – Barrett Bingley
LinkedIn – Ben Yeung

時間戳記Time Stamps:

01:44 –來賓背景和介紹:巴雷特和楊少聰
Guest background and introduction: Berek, Ben

03:01 –什麼是關稅? 由誰來繳交?
What is a Tariff? Who pays the tax?

06:56 –「關稅傷害了所有人。 每個人都會為貿易戰付出代價。Tariffs hurt everyone. Everyone will pay the price for a trade war.」-楊少聰

10:29 –關稅是有效的工具嗎? 各國會隨著時間而調整嗎?
Are tariffs an effective tool? Will countries adjust overtime?

16:18 –選舉如何令一個國家强大起來
How the election plays a role in the strength of a country

18:50 – TPP對世界各地的影響
The effects of TPP on all parts of the world

22:24 –以營運商的身份應對貿易戰。 你能做什麼?
Coping with the trade war as an operator. What can you do?

34:13 –了解最低稅率的規則
Understanding the de minimis tax rule

Categories: Kevin Shee Show

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