「結識其他人並看到不同的觀點是一件好事,因為無論我們住在哪裡,我們都只有一個觀點。It’s good to meet other people and see different perspectives, because no matter where we live, we only have one perspective.」强尼·FD(Johnny FD)

强尼·FD從2008年辭去加利福尼亞州的一份高薪公司工作後,搬到泰國擔任潛水教練,並作為泰拳愛好者進行專業培訓。 直到2013年,他創辦了自己的第一家電子商務商店時,在線賺了100美元。 他每年維持有6位數字的被動收入,現在他環遊世界,尋找投資被動收入的新方法。

在這一集中,强尼和時景恒談論成為成功的數位遊牧者的方程式。 討論關於强尼的故事,了解什麼使他成為了今日的他。 最後,聽聽强尼給每個覺得是時候為職業和生活作出改變的人的建議。

Johnny FD went from quitting a well paid corporate job in California in 2008 to move to Thailand to work as a Scuba Instructor and train professionally as a Muay Thai Fighter. It wasn’t until 2013 that he made his first $100 online when he started his first e-commerce store. He has built and maintained 6 figures of passive annual income and now spends his time traveling the world, and finding new ways to invest his passive income.

In this episode, Johnny and Kevin talk about the formula of becoming a successful digital nomad. They discuss Johnny’s story and what helped him to become who he is now. Listen to the end to hear Johnny’s advice to everyone who feels like it’s time for a career and life’s change.


Johnny FD

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時間戳記Time Stamps

01:13 –本集簡介:誰是數位遊牧者
Episode introduction: who are digital nomads – episode introduction

03:44 –「結識其他人並看到不同的觀點是一件好事,因為無論我們住在哪裡,我們都只有一個觀點。It’s good to meet other people and see different perspectives, because no matter where we live, we only have one perspective.」强尼·FD

04:40 –訪客介紹:强尼·FD
Guest introduction: Johnny FD

08:05 –辭職移居泰國
Quitting a job and moving to Thailand

10:30 –如何通過數位遊牧生活來賺錢
How to make money living a digital nomad life

15:15 –開始播客作為網絡工具
Starting a podcast as a networking tool

21:41 –未來計劃:業務和家庭
Future plans: business & family

23:12 –「我認為很多時候人們覺得自己需要某種穩定性; 但是我的穩定就是我自己,知道我無論身在何處都沒問題。I think lots of times people feel like they need to have some sort of stability; but my stability is myself, knowing that wherever I am, I am okay.」-强尼·FD

25:30 –給移居東南亞的男人的建議
Advice for men moving to South-East-Asia

27:27 –成功秘訣
Formula to success

Categories: Kevin Shee Show

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