「人們不再購買名牌,而是購買具有良好評價和評級的產品。People are not buying from brand names anymore, they are buying products with good reviews and ratings.」-喬希·考利(Josh Cauley)

喬希·考利經營著成功的亞馬遜電子商務業務,目前居住在波多黎各,他是Performance Mods的老闆。Performance Mods是一家零部件和汽車的電子商務公司,專門向汽車愛好者售賣高性能汽車零件。

在本集中,時景恒和喬希談論了在亞馬遜上經營電子商務業務的秘密。 了解為什麼波多黎各是美國企業家的避稅天堂。 喬希會講解一個獨立的地區和遠程業務的好處。大家有機會了解他管理遠程團隊的技巧。 到最後,聽聽他對所有有抱負的企業家的建議!

Josh Cauley is running a successful Amazon e-commerce business and currently resides in Puerto Rico. He is the owners of Performance Mods, an aftermarket, automotive, e-commerce company, that specializes in selling high-performance automotive parts for car enthusiasts.

In this episode, Kevin and Josh talk about the secrets of running an e-commerce business on Amazon. Learn why Puerto Rico is tax heaven for American entrepreneurs. Hear Josh as he explains the perks of being location independent and running the business remotely. Get a chance to know his tricks to manage remote teams. Listen to the end to hear his advice to all aspiring entrepreneurs!


Josh Cauley on Linkedin

時間戳記Time Stamps

00:27 –嘉賓介紹:喬希·考利
Guest introduction: Josh Cauley

01:37 –成功的亞馬遜賣家的秘密
Secrets of successful Amazon sellers

01:48 –「人們不再購買名牌,而是購買具有良好評價和評級的產品。People are not buying from brand names anymore, they are buying products with good reviews and ratings.」-喬希·考利

06:56 –如何管理遠程團隊使業務平穩順暢
Managing remotes teams for a smooth-running business

08:34 –波多黎各:低稅率和完善的基地
Puerto Rico: low taxes and perfect home base

12:11 –獨立地區的好處
Perks of being location independent

Advice to aspiring entrepreneurs

15:01 –「我對任何想成為企業家的人的第一建議就是執行。My number one advice to anyone who wants to be an entrepreneur is to execute.」-喬希·考利

16:03 –與其他企業家建立網絡是關鍵
Networking with other entrepreneurs is a key

Categories: Kevin Shee Show

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