「這只是另一個反全球化、反世界旅行、反旅遊事件 It’s just another anti-globalization, anti-world travel, anti-travel event」-邁克爾·米歇里尼(Michael Michelini)

邁克爾·米歇里尼是Global From Asia的創始人和主持人。Global From Asia是一個跨媒體電子商務共同體,其四個部門包括媒體、活動、旅行和平台。

在這集節目中,邁克爾講述了自己如何擺脫菲律賓的封鎖並飛往中國與家人團聚的故事。 了解他在酒店客房進行為期14天的強制性隔離期間的情況,以及為什麼在這些日子,外國人在中國會變得很奇怪。 聽聽邁克爾和時景恒討論冠狀病毒大流行如何損害全球化和世界貿易。 耐心聽到最後,聽聽他們預測整個情況何時會恢復正常。

Michael Michelini is the founder and host of Global From Asia, a cross-border e-commerce community with four divisions including media, events, trips, and platforms.

In this episode, Michael is telling his story of how he escaped lockdown in the Philippines and flew to China to reunite with his family. Learn how he is doing during his obligatory 14-days quarantine in a hotel room and why it feels strange to be a foreigner in Chine these days. Hear Michael and Kevin discuss how coronavirus pandemic is hurting globalization and world trade. Stay tuned till the end to hear their predictions when the whole situation will normalize.




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時間戳記Time Stamps :

01:33 – 冠狀病毒如何影響邁克爾生活的最新消息
Michael’s update on how coronavirus affected his life

03:00 –逃離菲律賓隔離
Escape from Philippines quarantine

08:20 –到達中國後必須進行檢疫
Obligatory quarantine upon arrival in China

10:30 –由於冠狀病毒,使外國人在中國成為與眾不同
Being a foreigner in China is different due to coronavirus

11:40 –菲律賓局勢
Situation in the Philippines

13:00 –冠狀病毒正在改變國家與社會的交流方式
Coronavirus is changing how nations and societies interact

14:15 –「這只是另一個反全球化、反世界旅行、反旅遊事件It’s just another anti-globalization, anti-world travel, anti-travel event」-邁克爾·米歇里尼

17:09 –預測何時最終會恢復穩定
Predictions on when the situation will finally stabilize

19:10 –「更多的人將不得不上網工作,甚至教育系統也必須改變。More people gonna have to go work online, even the education system will have to change.」 –邁克爾·米歇里尼

20:00 –在這個時代成為數位遊牧者,世界旅行
Being a digital nomad and world travel in these times

Categories: Kevin Shee Show

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